Furnishing – Kuche.ie
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May we give you even more inspiration? Our latest Brochure give you an overview of all products and options for creative kitchen design from Kuche.


The cabinet carcase forms the framework of your fitted kitchen. The chosen kitchen front is attached to the carcase either directly or indirectly on the drawers and pull-outs. This makes the carcase a key component for the way in which your kitchen works.


Your kitchen has, of course, always been the space where meals are prepared. The kitchen still is today, but it has now also become a place that expresses your lifestyle.


Light is a central medium in interior design. It makes spaces look bigger, it structures and models, it provides contours and sets the scene.


Handles and knobs are the finery in your kitchen. A wealth of options for opening and closing your kitchens is key to defining your kitchen’s design while also adding, an individual, personal touch. Here’s an overview of the options we can give you.

Interior Organisation

Practical cabinet systems score with efficient use of space and perfect access to everything inside. Modern lift systems make our Climber wall cabinet easy to open and close.

Niche Motifs

Glass with a motif, wood imitations or intelligent storage space solutions, many things can function as niche cladding.